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Proud Partners: Model SARB Winners

Erica Peterson

Congratulations are in order for some of our school district partners whose success in reducing chronic absenteeism has received well-deserved recognition. Each district's commitment and enthusiasm toward encouraging students to succeed is inspiring. It’s a well-deserved award—Congratulations to all of you!

Six of the 14 school districts recognized by the California Department of Education as 2020 Model School Attendance Review Board winners address all types of absences with Attention2Attendance (A2A).

These districts are investing in the foundation of learning: student attendance. Educators can't teach to a student who isn't there. With timely data, rigor and positive messaging, A2A's district partners are engaging with parents and students around the lifelong habit of showing up.

In lieu of the traditional recognition ceremony held during the annual California Association of Supervisors of Child Welfare & Attendance conference, this year’s winners convened on May 20 during the CDE’s State SARB meeting via Zoom to discuss best practices. SARB winners “paid it forward” sharing their strategies to tackle the challenges of chronic absenteeism, including A2A partner, Campbell Union School District.


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