I’ve read all the stats on New Year resolutions and how quickly they are broken, none the less, I set them every year. Resolutions speak to our hopes, dreams, and by nature are aspirational. I see it as 365 opportunities to try something new or different than what I have been doing previously. One example, goal setting, helps guide our focus and can create momentum in our lives.
For kids, setting goals is an important part of development. Research suggests that when students set goals it can assist in achievement and engagement. As educators, we can capitalize on this, asking students to set their goals for new ways to ‘show up’ in school. When students set their own goals, they feel a sense of ownership to the outcome and it supports the development of skills students need to be prepared for their future.
Goals can be simple and specific.
Wake up earlier so I can be on time to school.
Turn in my homework every day.
Or, they can be aspirational and overarching:
Think positive to stay focused.
Stay resilient.
Make time to read.
Manage my time.
Find time to relax.
Strive for excellence.
Build a strong network.
Build good study habits.
What goals will you help your students set so that they are present and engaged?